Author - Date - Scenery name - (1/2 players)
Pack 2 (single sceneries):
Wild - 14.02.2000 - raetsel (1)
Wild - 22.02.2000 - extreme (1)
Andreas Wild
- 01.03.2000 - chaos (1+2)
Wild - 06.03.2000 - extreme2 (1+2)
Marco Kurvers
- 09.10.2000 - Powball (1+2)
Dave Warbis
- 12.03.2004 - Dave2 (1)
Hallo everybody!
If you are very creative, you are maybe interested in sending me your self-designed WinBrick/MacBrick levels!
Adding new sceneries for WinBrick...
If you have the registrated level editor and you have downloaded a new scenery, you have to do the following steps to add each scenery to your scenery list:
Adding new sceneries for WinBrick2000 / 3DWinBrick2001...
If you have the WinBrick96 level importer, you have simply to copy the *.sce files into your WinBrick2000 / 3DWinBrick2001 directory and restart WinBrick!